
Rwby ruby goes back in time fanfiction
Rwby ruby goes back in time fanfiction

Ozma and Salem become gods over Humanity and start a family. (" A Much Needed Talk", " The Lost Fable") Should someone bring each Relic together, the Brothers will return and judge Humanity on their ability to live in peace. The God of Light returns a consenting Ozma into life and creates four Relics. (" WoR: Faunus", " Ruby Rose", " WoR: Grimm", " WoR: Dust", " The Lost Fable") They discover Dust, an energy source they use to turn the tide in the constant battle. New people, including Faunus, come into existence and fight the Creatures of Grimm. (Mythology, RWBY: Fairy Tales of Remnant) The God of Animals brings mankind to Menagerie for the first time in history, transforming them into the first Faunus. The God of Animals stops a war between mankind and the animal kingdom, turning them into the first Faunus. The result is not death, but a transformation of her will into one bent on destruction. Salem attempts suicide by submerging herself into the blackened pool in the Land of Darkness. The Brothers abandon the world and shatter the moon in the process. Salem unifies an army to defeat the Gods, but the God of Darkness destroys all of Humanity except for Salem due to her immortality. As punishment, Salem is cursed with immortality. ( RWBY: Fairy Tales of Remnant)Īpproximately 16 years later, Salem attempts to trick the God of Darkness into reviving her dead love, Ozma, after being refused by the God of Light.

rwby ruby goes back in time fanfiction

However, Salem's mother passes away during childbirth and the lord locks her in a tower.

rwby ruby goes back in time fanfiction

The two marry and have a child named Salem. (" A Much Needed Talk", " The Lost Fable")Ī young lord rescues a princess from a group of raiders, acquiring fame, fortune, and glory. The Gods create Humanity together, beings capable of choosing between light and darkness, with gifts of knowledge, creation, destruction and choice. The God of Darkness, the younger sibling of the God of Light, creates the Creatures of Grimm in reaction to his older brother creating abundant life on Remnant. After searching for beings like himself, he decides to split into two Brothers, who create the world of Remnant.

rwby ruby goes back in time fanfiction

In the beginning, a lonely, all-powerful Dragon arrives from another realm and proceeds to create the universe from nothing. Unknown passage of time since preceding event. Event's sequential placement is unconfirmed by canon.

Rwby ruby goes back in time fanfiction